
A Practical Method for Horn Multiphonics

A comprehensive method book for the development of horn multiphonics: it features step-by-step instructions, various exercises,
and a series of 10 concert etudes. The book includes versions of each exercise/etude for both high and low vocal ranges.  

view multiphonics webpage/demo PDF/purchase book

Horn Multiphonics YouTube playlist

New Band Music

A free service which promotes the wind band music of emerging composers, providing a high quality and comprehensive selection of new music for band directors.

Compositions are sortable for band directors by difficulty level, duration, and composer name and are promoted through postings on Facebook and Twitter.



NewBandMusic Twitter account

NewBandMusic Facebook page

Vine Orchestra

In Fall 2013,
composers were given the opportunity to write pieces of 6 seconds or less for a large chamber ensemble.

The chamber ensemble was comprised of 20 performers, and covered almost every instrument frequently utilized in the classical music tradition.

The call for scores netted over 150 applicants, and 50 compositions were chosen for performance. The compositions were rehearsed and recorded on December 1st, 2013.
Vine Orchestra YouTube Channel

Horn Quarter-Tone Fingering Chart

A free quarter-tone fingering chart for horn players and composers: includes all alternate fingerings from the 7th, 11th, 13th, and 14th partials as well as pitch tendency explanations. The fingering chart is available to be printed and/or downloaded here:

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